Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Tradition...

The fun has been packed in like brown sugar around here!  I'll start with the Valentine tea party that happened last Wednesday, because it had this little girl brimming with excitement for days beforehand.  

I mean look at this face:

We started out up to our elbows in construction paper, glue, heart punches, and paper doilies to make place mats.

Those blue eyes are two of my favorite things in the whole world.

We made Valentine candy necklaces (I don't care how old you get, those things are fun to chew on)!

Any excuse to make sugar cookies is a welcomed one :) mother in law made me that cute apron.
A couple days beforehand, my mom took us to the Fairfield Antiques Mall to pick out teacups. This one is mine, and can I just add that this trip was one of my favorite shopping outings ever!  We saw soooo many beautiful cups with their gold rims and matching saucers, and I had visions of Hallie picking the most "frilly/girly" one in the whole place....
... but it turns out she has a soft spot for lonely, dingy, saucer-less ones.  And there was absolutely no changing her mind.  But it did fit in that dainty little hand of hers perfectly..... and if you ask me, it now has the sweetest owner of them all.
And lucky for Chandler, his nap ended just in time. 

I'm so thankful to my mom for starting this tradition last February! 


  1. You are the best mom ever!!! That would be SO much fun! That is so nice of your mom to come over and enjoy the teaparty as well.

  2. Thanks Lindsey! My Mom actually brought the tea party over to us. She brings the dishes and supplies to make place mats, and the frosting, ect.. I should have given her more credit. I love your blog too Lindsey!

  3. SO FUN!! Paige would be so jealous! She loves having pretend tea parties at grandma's house (since we don't have a tea set, and grandma has 3).
