Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Little things...

One of the main reasons I wanted to create this blog, was so I wouldn't lose those little things that will be gone someday. 

Little things, like every time I pick up Chandler, he pats my shoulder.

Or when Hallie hi-tails it up the stairs at bedtime to hide under her covers so we'll "wonder" where she is when we reach her room.

I absolutely LOVE it when Chandler grabs my face and says, "mama" right before he wraps his little arms around my neck and squeezes so hard he shakes, while continuing to say "ooooh...mama, ooooh mama."  I'll miss those hugs someday. 

I think it's a hoot that Hallie loves "Little House on the Prairy" so much, and will sometimes call Elon and I "Ma" and "Pa."

I love the dimple in the bottom left-hand corner of Chandler's chin that shows up when he smiles, and I missed it while I was in Vegas. 

I literally thought of it longingly while I sat in church and saw about 36 other little boys his age. 

I love how whenever I forget to set out an outfit for Hallie, she'll come downstairs with a tutu and tights on. 

I love the sounds coming from the living room when both kids are chasing each other.  Their little squeels of laughter make me happy.

I love how Hallie appreciates Chandler being little like I do.  Yesterday she said, "I wish Chandler could stay small and cute and chunky forever."  

She looked at him last night at the dinner table and said "look at him, he's just so cute!"  

I love that she loves him.

I love how Chandler is starting to say words other than, mama, dada, and ball. 

He now can say dog, water, cracker, car, baby, and maybe more that will come to me later.  Of course he doesn't say any of these words perfectly clear, but enough so we can understand. 

I love how Hallie asks me to tell her a story while I do her hair in the morning.  She knows it will lessen the torture of having me run a comb through that snarly hair of hers.

I love how whenever I lay Chandler in his crib at nap time, he'll give me the sweetest little smile and nod when I ask him if he wants me to turn his music on.

I love these two little people I get to call my kids:



  1. What a beautiful post - it brought tears to my eyes. YOU are a wonderful, wonderful Mama!

  2. Wow krista, You brought tears to my eyes as well. Those moments are so precious. Your did so well capturing the feelings. You took me back in time. Thanks for sharing them. The pictures are adorable! This is truly love at home.

  3. Very cute post!! I love to hear the cute things about your kids. it will be sad when they are all grown up.
