Monday, March 21, 2011

Ballerinas, bathtubs, and the letter "A"

Not everyone gets a ballerina who will put their silverware away...


But I do!  

I love the outfits she chooses when there is no school.

Bath time is always a hit at our house...

This boy's closed-mouth grin is one of my fav's!...He does it a lot :)
And because I had to zoom way in to hide some key parts of the birthday suit, I believe this pic has a little "noise" in I right?  Thank you dad Firmage for educating me. :)

You can't tell my kids like the bath at all can you?....And it's amazing to me that out of their one million bath toys, not one of them is shown in this picture...that's just plain freaky! 

As for the letter "A"....
I'll let you guess what my little ballerina and I will be working on for the next little while... :/


  1. Paige loves tohelp me with the dishes too! Although nt dressed up like Halli does. The clothes Paige chooses when there is no school is leggings and a t-shirt. Clothes that I don't let her wear in public but that she still loves even though she's grown out of the. lol. Bath time is also a favorite at our house too. In the first bath picture, Chandler looks a bit like my Wyatt. Cute kids friend! :)

  2. Cute Ballerina! helpful one too.
    I like the bath pics.
    Is hallie going to kindergarten this yr?

  3. I love these pictures Krista. Keep them coming. You definitely have the ability to capture the precious moments. love, mom
